PERG | Latest News
Private Equity Reporting Group publishes 2016 annual report Compliance by portfolio companies covered by the Guidelines has reduced slightly again this year to 88% and only 57% of the portfolio companies reviewed have achieved an overall good or excellent level of quality of disclosure.
Private Equity Reporting Group publishes 2015 annual report This is the first year in which many portfolio companies complied with new reporting obligations following changes to the Guidelines for Disclosure and Transparency in Private Equity in 2014.
Walker Guidelines Monitoring Group publishes 2014 annual report Compliance levels continue to improve among the portfolio companies in the sample covered by the report, with all 25 achieving either a good or excellent level of disclosure, with the proportion of the latter increasing to 16% from 9% in the 2013 study.
Walker Guidelines Monitoring Group publishes amendments The Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Report) Regulations 2013 necessitated amendments to the Guidelines as they removed the requirement for a business review in the directors’ report.
Walker Guidelines Monitoring Group publishes 2013 annual report Compliance levels improved in 2013 and of the sample of 30 portfolio companies reviewed by the Group, 29 met the enhanced disclosure requirements.
Walker Guidelines Monitoring Group announces new Chairman The Guidelines Monitoring Group, the body established to review the private equity industry’s conformity with the Walker Guidelines, today announces the appointment of Nick Land as Chairman and Glyn Parry as an independent member of the Group.
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