PERG | Private Equity Reporting Group delays publishing of 2020 annual report

Private Equity Reporting Group delays publishing of 2020 annual report

The Private Equity Reporting Group (“PERG”), the body established to review the private equity industry’s conformity with Sir David Walker’s Guidelines for disclosure and transparency, has delayed the publishing of its 13th report due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pandemic has impacted all areas of the economy including private equity firms and their portfolio companies. As a consequence of this, the information needed to complete the PERG’s review has, in a minority of cases, been delayed. Some portfolio companies have been granted extended reporting deadlines and this is in line with the broader environment where filing and reporting deadlines have been extended by regulators, lenders and Companies House.

We continue to work with private equity firms, their portfolio companies and the PERG’s advisors to finalise the reports. We expect to publish these reports at the end of January 2021.