PERG | Latest News
Record number of firms comply with private equity financial reporting and show performance rebalance post-pandemic The latest Private Equity Annual Public Reports, the 17th in a series of yearly reports compiled by and for the Private Equity Reporting Group (PERG), the independent body setup to assess the industry on behalf of the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), has been published today.
Private equity industry to consult on refreshing world-leading transparency and disclosure guidelines The PERG and the BVCA have launched a consultation to refresh the Walker Guidelines for transparency and disclosure in private equity. The consultation comes as the private equity industry continues to grow both in scale and importance to the UK economy, with over £20bn invested in UK portfolio companies in 2023, nearly double the amount invested in 2017.
PERG writes to BVCA to begin Walker Guidelines root and branch review and refresh The PERG, via a letter written to Michael Moore, BVCA Chief Executive, has recommended that the BVCA conduct a refresh of the Walker Guidelines in 2024.
Annual review finds private equity-backed businesses continue to outperform public companies The latest Private Equity Annual Public Reports, the 16th in a series of yearly reports compiled by and for the Private Equity Reporting Group (PERG), the independent body setup to assess the industry on behalf of the British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), has been published today.
BVCA/EY Walker Guidelines 2023 webinar This webinar, hosted by Ciaran Harris, BVCA Policy Manager, will introduce the Walker Guidelines process before James Walker, Kelsey Gray and Disha, take us through the EY annual report on the performance of portfolio companies.
Private Equity Reporting Group publishes UK Private Equity Annual Public Reports New approach to making UK private equity industry more transparent and accessible, bringing together three separate annual reports which seek to provide enhanced transparency and disclosures by some of the largest UK portfolio companies and their private equity owners.
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